Kamis, 28 Juni 2018



Revolution To E-commerce and Investment World

Trade, be it buying and selling of goods and services has been prevalent for centuries. No one can be self-sufficient. And this brings out the need for demand and supply of goods and services. Transactions have been going on all over the world for centuries, locally, and across locations. Keeping the same concept in mind, now think electronic.
It's interesting to look back at the growth of online sales and think forward to how much further they can grow at the expense of traditional channels. Electronic transactions have been around for quite some time in the form of Electronic Data Interchange or EDI. EDI requires each supplier and customer to set up a dedicated data link (between them), where ecommerce provides a cost-effective method for companies to set up multiple, ad-hoc links. Electronic commerce has also led to the development of electronic marketplaces where suppliers and potential customers are brought together to conduct mutually beneficial trade.
E-Commerce, also known as e-Business, or electronic business, is simply the sale and purchase of services and goods over an electronic medium, like the Internet. It also involves electronically transferring data and funds between two or more parties. Simply put, it is online shopping as we commonly know it. E-Commerce started way back in the 1960s when organizations began to use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to transfer documents of their business back and forth. The 1990s saw the emergence of online shopping businesses, which is quite a phenomenon today. It has become so convenient and easy, that anyone can shop for anything right from a living room, with just a few clicks. This has evolved more with the emergence of smartphones, where now, you can shop from anywhere and anytime, with a wireless device connected to the Internet. Now you can search for almost any product or service online, without having to go anywhere physically.
FLOGmall is an international e-commerce platform launching a revolution in the world of investment, and created for users from all over the world, who sell and buy various products and services with tokens. . This platform provides a service without any real analogues. Stores displayed on FLOGmall platform will be presented in a new, unique format called LiveStore. Livestore is a combination of blog and video content about sellers, stores, goods, and services.
FLOGmall provides the platform which is designed to solve problems at the same time both sellers and customers will benefit. Individual and transparent approach to the goods and services purchase at attractive prices is possible only in the absence of the retailers and wholesale distributors intermediation. . The main goal of the FLOGmall platform is to provide customers with the opportunity to choose what they need, rather than what it is profitable for retail chains to sell. Sellers working with FLOGmall will not need expensive marketing. FLOGmall allows to create easily your own marketing programs to encourage customers directly. Thanks to the new LiveStore format, the seller has the opportunity to present the product in a more qualitative way, to increase the trust index to his own business, to win a loyal audience and, as a result, to increase sales. FLOGmall platform mission is to change completely the goods and services market, by using extensive experience, in-depth knowledge, as well as the interest of the largest sellers and ordinary users all around the world.
FLOGmall provides wide opportunities for customers, sellers and participants.

What is the difference between the FLOGmall and other e-commerce platforms...
FLOGmall brings and provides users the opportunity to buy and sell goods and services for cryptocurrency from different part of the world. It also provides Live stores with convenient navigation for users. The Live store brings a unique opportunity of the platform allows sellers to present their goods or services in a favorable light through the video content and consumers can take a fresh look at the impersonal stores. It has thousands of personal ads for goods and services and provides cashback and discounts for tokens. 
FLOGmall has secure purchase with the use of smart-contract. Furthermore, it is available to buyers from all over the world. Goods and services can be purchase with any altcoins. 
FLOGmall gives honest feedback about every seller. It also provides ample opportunities for bloggers to promote products via the internet. Free platform with minimum charge for additional services. Access to a new growing market of cryptocurrency holders with high purchasing power. Equal opportunities for all sellers at an early stage of goods placement on FLOGmall. FLOGmall is a multi-format free-of-charge bulletin board and an online store platform that brings together sellers and customers of products/services with tokens all around the world.
FLOGmall is a contemporary ecosystem of goods and services purchase and sale
FLOGmall provides an open source cryptographic token - Mallcoin. Mallcoin - cryptocurrency, which can be exclusively paid in the FLOGmall platform. This token will be used as the payment unit for all transactions in the FLOGmall system and as a basis for interacting with other digital services. Calculation using a token outside the platform is not possible. Mallcoin is a limited-edition token. He is not exposed to inflation in the long run. Mallcoin tokens are equivalent and translatable. It is planned to sell tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges.


For More Information:
Author: vespa panjang
MyEthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B

Swiss Alps Energy

Swiss Alps Energy

The Smart Mining Company
Connecting the world of blockchain with environmentally friendly mining in unused buildings in the Swiss alps.
A new breakthrough in the world of cryptocurrency mining with energy and production cost savings.
What is Swiss Alps Mining....
Swiss Alps Mining is an intelligent cryptocurrency mining project in a better, more efficient, and renewable way. All mining equipment is made specifically to operate in the Swiss Alps, according to the project name. And some reasons to choose a location that will save you up to 50% in final power costs. Knowing that currently the cost of electricity spends half of Bitcoin’s mining profits, he explained that many Swiss Alpine mines will benefit from classic mining operations. The climate in the Swiss Alps has a mine operating temperature and costs up to 40% for cooling. Hot liquid mining will also be used for electricity reclamation, and this will create additional requirements for Swiss Alpine Mining operations. Swiss Alps Mining is a Swiss startup company in the area of crypto mining and energy, located in Huenenberg, Canton of Zug. SAE plans to start operating crypto mining farms in the Swiss alps in 2018 — a pioneering project. These farms are situated in buildings no longer used by local farmers. SAE will at the same time operate small hydropower plants to produce the electricity needed for crypto mining.
The blockchain community worldwide faces strong headwinds due to the very energy-intensive mining process of crypto currencies and blockchain-based business applications. At the same time, in the Swiss alps, thousands of unused structures are disintegrating due to the fact that today’s spatial planning law does not allow for residential use of these buildings.
Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distributed ledger-based energy supplier and an operator of flexible modular mining infrastructures that are intended for long-term stationary use. Thereby, SAE preserves unused buildings in the Swiss alps and uses them sensibly and without interference with either building structure or the environment.
Business model
A sophisticated modular cube system allows Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) to build and implement prefabricated dust-protected mining components on-site. Ideal natural temperature conditions enable easy cooling of the mining facilities, which leads to a reduction of energy consumption of up to 30% in comparison to comparable installations. The flexible and modular mining cubes provide cutting-edge automation and
SAE concept
Out of its unique position as an experienced Switzerland provider of blockchain technology and hyperledger-based business applications, Swiss Alps Mining & Energy strives to:
  • promote blockchain technology and its uses to a broader public
  • provide clients / third parties the decentralized infrastructure to develeop their own blockchain-based projects
  • address environmental issues associated with crypto mining worldwide
  • support the local economy in Switzerland alpine areas and facilitate the digital transformation in these areas
  • be an electricity supplier using the distributed ledger technology

The Token
The SAM token (Sam) is an ERC20 token. It can be used as a means of payment within the SAE mining and service universe and will be tradable outside the SAM platform on all relevant exchanges. All services provided by SAE as well as the purchase of power and cubes will be paid in SAM tokens. This includes renting and buying of mining units, electricity supply from SAM Power Plants, hosting of blockchains on decentralized SAM Units, and the development of blockchain-based services such as global KYC.
Token Distribution
  • A total of 239’682’538 Sam tokens (100%) will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain using a smart contract.
  • SAM will comply with the ERC20 standard and will be freely transferable on the Ethereum platform.
  • These tokens will be the only Sam ever issued.
token distribution.JPG

Participate in The Smart Mining Company
Swiss Alps Energy AG will hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in May 2018. The funds raised in the ICO will be used to finance the development and expansion of the mining facilities and to acquire holdings in hydropower plants.
The SAM token (Sam) is an ERC20 token. It can be used as a means of payment within the SAE mining and service universe and will be tradable outside the SAM platform on all relevant exchanges.
For more information please visit this link: https://swissalpsmining.io/en/ico#SAM-ICO
And if you want to buy the token please visit: https://tokensale.swissalpsmining.io/
SAM Platform
The SAM Platform will provide a Sam wallet that is fully compatible with existing token exchanges and that allows for easy withdrawal and purchase of tokens. Holders of Sam tokens can also use any wallet that supports Ethereum ERC20 contracts. The wallet also offers the purchase of Sam coins with crypto currencies such as BTC and ETH. Users can interact with the platform via web, desktop and mobile devices. They can invest their Sam coins on the SAE platform to rent mining power and mine crypto currencies such as BTC, ETH, DASH, etc.
After the initial development of SAE’s infrastructure and business activities in Switzerland, the expansion into foreign countries, especially in the area of renewable energies, is conceivable and desirable. The ability to pay by using crypto currencies and the settlement process via smart contracts is another novelty that can further help SAE to become the industry leader in the field of blockchain-based business models.
The Smart Mining Company — Connecting the world of blockchain with environmentally friendly mining in unused buildings in the Swiss alps.
Swiss Alps Mining & Energy strives to enable environmentally friendly mining of crypto currencies in the Swiss alps. Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is Swiss Alps Mining & Energy’s operating business. SAE is a Swiss startup company in the area of crypto mining and energy, located in Huenenberg, Canton of Zug.
Executive Team
For more Information:
Author: vespa panjang
MyEthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B



Revolution In the Gambling Industry

Hello to all and welcome to my ICO review . For those of you who don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Funke and I'm an experienced writer who enjoys what he does very much. I'm here to give you all the information you might need or want about the new development in gambling industry. I plan to make them “easy read, to the point” because what's important to me is that we all comprehend and absorb the information and actually want to be here learning together about something new.
Today, let us all learn and experience together all about URUNIT. If you don't know anything about them, don't run away, that's why I'm here, to change that within the next few minutes. Before I begin, I just want to quickly mention that I will be including LINKS so that YOU can do your own research or whatever you feel you need. I feel it's best to have all of the information in one place, in an organised manner, rather than dotted about the page making what you want hard to find or confusing. All these links will be put at the BOTTOM of this page to keep things easy.

We are creating an online gambling platform where absolutely all the games will be hosted and controlled by the users of the platform. The platform is created as a “white label”, so we can sell it to other operators. This, in turn, will allow us to share the concept around the world in a short time and make it an industry standard.
Also, the platform has an open API (application programming interface). This will make it possible to add games created by third-party developers. This way the library of games on the platform can be constantly replenished and expanded with minimum time and money invested
How it works

Gambling Market
Gambling market has been growing year after year. In early 2017 gambling market was worth $360 billion with $44.16 billion in online games. By the end of 2017, the online gambling market increased to $47.4 billion. According to H2 Gambling Capital, market share of online games will continue to grow taking over most of the offline market. By 2022 online gambling market will grow up to an impressive amount of $81.7 billion.
Gambling market problems
Time goes by, technologies change, but the main principle in the world of gambling remains the same: players come to the casino and spend their money hoping for a quick win.The problem is that the vast majority of players lose and don’t have even a slightest chance to affect the work of the casino in any way. Consequently, the game rules, as well as the rules of conduct for the players are determined entirely by the casino that strips the players to the thread, and gets its super-profits from them. The players are only cash cows. Signs on the venues, bonus programs and technologies may change, but any casino still operates by the same principal. As a result, gambling market (including online) is filled with almost identical casinos that gives the gamers absolutely no choice as all of the casinos look pretty much the same.
Thus, the key issues of the market are:
  • based on our surveys, casino customers are very venturous people who are constantly looking for action and novelty; they get bored quickly, and are forced to move from one casino to another constantly looking for something different
  • it is very difficult for the casinos to attract new players, and they are forced to spend significant part of the profits on advertising, bonuses, affiliate programs and other gimmicks to attract customers
  • no matter how much money casino spends to keep customers for as long as possible, it doesn’t work – customers simply won’t stay for long.

Gambling market has obviously reached the dead end. Of course, casinos try to spend more money, use new technologies (such as blockchain) and come up with new gimmicks to attract and retain new customers, but they are not very successful at it.
The only way out of this situation is to change the basic principles of the casino operation.
How is it possible? It’s very simple. The solution is an entirely new type of casino, the casino managed by the players, who host all the games. In other words, absolutely all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. in this casino are controlled by the players themselves. Each game is hosted by a certain player. This player determines parameters of the game or tournament he is hosting and becomes the owner of the game for the time being. Let’s say, each game is leased to one of the players for a nominal fee. It can be leased for an hour, a day, a week, or a month. During this lease, the owner of the game not only monitors what is going on, but also performs basic functions of a moderator. At the end of this period, the owner of the game receives most of the profit generated during his lease. A small share of revenue will go to the casino to cover the expenses for the maintenance of the platform, its further development, as well as allow a little profit for the owners.
I am going to get straight to the point of who they are since this is such an important factor, as I like to put it, “The Brains behind URUNIT”. If the team behind the product or service in question haven't the resources or knowledge, then we know the product or service delivered will possibly not have the quality it should have. We need to know two very important things when we look at a new starting up company:
Who are the people/team behind this:
What experience and knowledge do they possess...
Okay, so, because I've already done all the research needed beforehand and thoroughly URUNIT I can very happily confirm that this company has a fabulous team onboard. Here they are:

We have a strong team with all the skills, expertise, and experience needed to launch the project and market it successfully. U Run This is the climax of our collective effort that incorporates the most efficient technology developed by our highly professional team.
No one has seen this before
This is yet another casino. This is a platform with a new business concept in his heart. Casinos and gambling platforms (including those in the development stage) are not even close to what we offer.
The flowers are amazing
We are experiencing tremendous interest in our platform. Both gamblers and investors are amazed by the brilliance of the idea. We are repeatedly told that this is the future of the gambling industry.
All in one solution
This is an all-in-one solution that covers every possible subsystem needed on the board. No holes or areas are not closed. In fact, other casino providers will become U Run It customers purchasing our software to fill the void in their offerings.
Why should you buy URUN tokens...
Limited offer
URUN Smart Contract through the decentralized blockchain protocol ensures that only certain number of URUN tokens will be issued during ICO. There will be no more issues of tokens after the ICO.
Jackpot drawings
Every token holder can participate in our daily, weekly and monthly jackpot drawings. 70% of all tokens collected by the platform will be used for jackpot drawings.
Compliance with regulations
We have taken professional advice from the best lawyers specializing in finance cryptocurrency regulations. URUN token is clearly a utility token, not a security. This means fast listing on exchanges after the ICO.
Constant demand for tokens
URUN tokens are required to use U Run It platform, but the number of tokens circulation will constantly decrease. URUN tokens are used as “fuel” for all the transactions within the platform, and with every transaction a small number of tokens is “burnt” (they are taken out of circulation). However, in the same time the number of casino operators using our platform as well as overall number of players using URUN tokens will grow exponentially. Therefore, the demand for URUN tokens will constantly increase.
Technical excellence
Not only the programmers who developed our URUN smart contract, have over 3 years of experience in blockchain solutions, but also high quality and security of this smart contract was confirmed by the technical audit conducted by the best specialists in blockchain security.
Distribution of Tokens

Token Sales

I hope you have enjoyed today's review and my company along the way. Thanks for taking the time and will hopefully see you all in the next one.
For More Information:

Author: vespa panjang
MyEthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B



Some people define that an online business is a business activity both services and products offered through the internet media from negotiations to transaction activities, such as selling software, ebooks and the like without having to meet face to face with the customer. itself is more likely to agree if Online Business is defined as "A business activity that some or all of its activities are carried out through the internet media" regardless of the type of business from starting to sell crops to cars. In other words, though we are just a marketing from a company and doing marketing activities through the internet media, can be called as an online business, especially in the restaurant business.
Even remarkable is, if we have the ability to market our restaurant on the internet, is very wide open opportunity to be able to help market the products of others both individuals and companies with lucrative income.
Online business consists of 2 words of Business and Online. Business is a business or activity conducted by groups and individuals, to earn profits by producing products and services to meet the needs of consumers. While the word Online by kamus.web.id is an activity connected through a computer network that can be accessed through other computer networks.
So it can be concluded that Online Business is an activity or activities conducted in the internet media to make money. Just like a business activity in real life, online business that is run via the Internet also has the same goal that is generating a profit.

But all that now can connect with a platform that can help it all these platforms are also called with platform FEEDCHAIN.yang already connected in the world of blockchain.

What is FEEDCHAIN ....
Feedchain is building a new economy where millions of people around the world like you can make money from home, cooking, and selling food using their home as a restaurant business. In this new economy, the restaurant marketing system along with other ffood-relatedservices is decentralized and makes it easy for everyone to participate. Quoting from Yahoo and Nasdaq finances, "The goal of start-ups in the Cayman Islands is far beyond pure finance into the world of humanity.
Our Mission & Vision For BLOCKCHAIN
Feedchain has identified some major issues with the modern food industry that creates problems for millions of consumers such as the high costs of opening restaurants so it keeps running, the hassle of getting the right to sell and the privilege of farmers or supermarkets to sell products, favoritism, and more. These previously unanswered problems created a huge hole in the market and have caused stagnation in many traditional food industries for decades. The Feedchain platform will be a direct means for homeowners around the world to traverse these barriers and start utilizing the financial capabilities of their homes used to serve the food business. Feedchain is a new blockchain economy and in no time will be a household name.
How it works
Feedchain relies on a pile of advanced technologies including mobile phones, high-speed data, GPS, and APP combined with the Ethereum blockchain to create a decentralized and tokenized economy in the food industry. In this token economy, people can use their homes as a restaurant business and farmers, fishermen or gardeners can use their homes as a market to sell their products. Millions of people now have the means to work from home and make money.
Our Business Model:
  • Free token to consumers for their first transaction and its frequency
  • Free tokens to sign up & referral bonuses
  • Free token for homeowners using FEEDCHAIN platform
  • We take care of our customers by becoming a brand
  • We advertise and market Feedchain platform
  • We allow a rare search of monetization on the Feedchain platform

Main feature:
  1. Individuals use their private homes for sale No more opening and operating costs of higher restaurants
  2. Tariff is cheaper for consumers.
    Consumers pay less for the service than the restaurant, so the seller is more compatible, the buyer is more satisfied with the price
  3. Cultural diversity around the world.
    That means a variety of dishes with different varieties
  4. Transparency because the database is decentralized
    Transparency problem solved - once & for everything
  5. No data manipulation due to blockchain & open ledger.
    User data is protected - you may feel you are in a secure environment
FEEDCHAIN ​​is a decentralized virtual currency based on the ERC20-token - one of the Ethereum developed Technological Trends. In this virtual home-based food revolution, coin holders will have the benefit of instantly and effortlessly cash
out their coins.
FEEDCHAIN ​​system provides value-added services for digital assets that are more efficient and cheaper for the consumer. Investors in FEEDCHAIN ​​will benefit from instant liquidity at 0% risk trading environment.
Please check the FEEDCHAIN ​​website (www.feedchain.io) for the latest information.
Efficient utilization of funds, as well as business based thres, holds for both minimum and maximum
raise will be available. Furthermore, the ICO and post-ICO development is governed by the industry's best practices in good governance for the project, team, and technology. We are also offering premium rewards for early adopters.
Visit www.feedchain.io for more information.
FEEDCHAIN ​​is launching its Pre-ICO on July 31st, 2018 which will end on August 20 th 2018. Soft cap for pre-ICO is determined as 1,680 ETH.
Price for the whole period of sale will remain the same - 0.05 USD per 1 FEED (or 0.000084 ETH per 1 FEED as USD <> ETH exchange rate is pegged to 593.71 USD per 1 ETH). On that stage, investors will get bonuses according to the amount of contribution. Bonus structure you may find in paragraph "Token Metrics
FEEDCHAIN ​​Crowdsale
This will commence from September 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018. In this phase, we will be providing users / investors with the main Initial Coin Offering sale which will be followed by an immediate exchange of FEED from their contribution. People who wish to support and invest in FEEDCHAIN ​​will participate in the crowdsale by sending donations to the project's address. During the crowdsale, we expect to reach our hardcap - 46,200 ETH (this amount includes all the phases - private sale, presale and crowdsale).
At the end of the crowdsale, each participant would receive FEED corresponding to the amount inETH they contributed. FEED token holders of their hard-earned FEED to remain enthusiasm for the project.
The more the number of FEED that is raised during a crowdsale, the more valuable each token will be. After the crowdsale ends, the tokens will be tradable on various
exchanges where its value would be determined by supply and demand.
In the table below, you may find all the info about FEEDCHAIN ​​Token Sale. Pay attention to the lock-up periods for private sale and presale contributors. All the private sale investors will get a 100% bonus. Taking part in presale gives you an opportunity to get a bonus from 5% to 20%. Remember, the more you contribute - the more bonuses you will get. Contribution over 841 ETH lets you get a 20% bonus. Also, as you see, there is no minimum contribution for crowdsale contributors, so that it is open for everyone.
Total supply of tokens is 1,000,000,000 FEED. 100,000,000 FEED will be allocated during private sale (including bonuses). Presale contributors will also get 100,000,000 FEED. 350,000,000 FEED will be distributed during crowdsale. 10% of total amount of tokens will be held by team, advisory board will keep another 5%, which seems to be 100,000,000 FEED and 50,000,000 FEED accordingly. Bounty program participants will have an opportunity to keep 5% of total supply (50,000,000 FEED). Another 25% (250,000,000 FEED) will belong to reserve.

We are a decentralized app, people can cook and sell food from their houses as home-based restaurants. Farmers can use their houses as homebased farmer's markets. Consumers can skip the market and buy fresh and un-processed grocery from the houses of their local crop / meat farmers, gardeners, fishers, etcetera. We rely on a sophisticated stack of technology including mobile phones, Artificial Intelligence, high speed data, GPS, Blockchain and APPs in combination with the Ethereum blockchain to create a decentralized and tokenized economy within the food industry.
For More Information:

Author: vespa panjang
MyEthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B




A lot of companies design game concepts without ground floor feedback from their future player-base which leads to unwanted creations and frustrating features.
Companies rely on players for beta-testing, customer acquisition, and game curation but, they rarely share rewards beyond in-app upgrades or early access to anticipated content.
Therefore we are here to give artists the resources to create games that they imagine and reward the players who fill their virtual world

65K – Users
$7M – Spent in Development
$5M – Revenue Earned
Game Loot Network hosts an online platform with user curated games and gaming resources. With blockchain technology at its core, it will disrupt the online gaming industry.
Game Loot Network works like an app store, with curated games and features enabled by blockchain technology. The cryptocurrency, LOOT, allows the platform to be a revolutionary one stop shop for all of gaming – from play, purchase, to design.
With us you can do whatever you want because we are a $ 7 million entertainment platform built in blockchain. Supported strategically, we have assembled development partners whose games have more than 100 million total downloads.
Build Funds and resources for game developers

Decentralized Publishing
The platform transforms game publication with an integrated crowdfunding portal. Indie designers submit their game ideas to a catalog within this screen. Their proposal page might include screenshots, demos, or gameplay footage. Users offer Loot tokens to sponsor promising projects. In exchange for their cryptocoins, backers receive a revenue generating percentage of the upcoming title. A decentralized collective thereby produces games through democratic demand.

Generate Recurring Income
When crowdfunded creations are finished they generate revenue for the developers and the backers. Independent artists reduce expenses, and players earn income from games they helped shape. Imagine owning a percentage of the industry’s next global hit.

Play User curated games and decentralized publishing

Smart Contract Rewards
The open ledger tracks users’ engagement with the platform. From design to gameplay, no digital triumph goes unrewarded.

Gaming Tournaments
Brow sweating competition typically reserved for professionals becomes accessible to all. Tourney champions receive Loot prize pools or in-demand electronics.

Earn Recurring revenue for designers and players

A Crypto Ecosystem
The Loot token acts as a gateway to every reward resource on the platform. With Loot, users can enter head-to-head tournaments, generate recurring revenue through crowdfunded games, purchase in-game boosts, bid on online auctions, earn extra income, and eventually download games built exclusively for the platform. Loot will thrive, nourished by extensive in-app utility.

Token Sale Countdown
The LOOT ICO begins May 29th, 2018
To join, click here: https://gamelootnetwork.com/form.html
An Industry Ripe for Disruption
Projection for the Global Gaming Market 2016-2020

Loot Token Sale Timeline
In the near future, a major part of this market will adopt Blockchain.
TOKEN PRICE $0.35 each.
It’s better on the ground floor. Early purchasers receive Loot bonuses:

Private Sale
Phase 1
200% Bonus
Buy 1, Get 2 Free
Phase 2
100% Bonus
Buy 1, Get 1 Free
Phase 3
33% Bonus
Buy 1, Get 0.33 Free
Public Sale
Phase 1
25% Bonus
Buy 1, Get 0.25 Free
Phase 2
17% Bonus
Buy 1, Get 0.17 Free
Phase 3
11% Bonus
Buy 1, Get 0.11 Free
Phase 4
5% Bonus
Buy 1, Get 0.05 Free
Phase 5
No Bonus

Daily Blind Auction Sale Auction
Loot’s not a buy-and-hope token. It’s the functional cryptocurrency of a grand vision. Game Loot Network represents more than a roadmap. Boasting a user-proven product, it surpasses words on paper. Extensive beta testing yielded more than 5 million dollars in revenue over just 7 months.


Key Features

Embedded Games within the platform
Downloadable Games
Real-life rewards with cryptocurrency
Incentivized crowdfunding for in-development games Rewards

User achievements
Income generating referral system
Gaming tournaments with real-life prizes for non-professional players
Competitive battle bidding for discounted gaming gear

Social Features

User curated game ratings
Intuitive friends system

Blockchain Gaming

Integrated crypto wallet linked to the platform
Monetized games award cryptocurrency to developers and crowdfunders
A digital currency that allows any connected game to offer real-life value

More Information Visit The GLN Link:
Author: vespa panjang
MyEthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B