Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018




MONETO — the special online cryptocrediting service. With the help of this unique project, players, specialized in trading with Bitcoin, will be able to promptly withdraw fiat money on the security of the cryptocurrency and buy back the cryptocurrency with a small commission.
The first and most important task is to transfer your money needed for different purposes. We allow you to take a great deal of money from the blockchain system at that actual current exchange rate. The second, no less important task to solve, is to keep your savings in BTC. You will be able not only to get money out of the “blockchain stash of cash” in time and use them in the opened window of opportunities but also to return your bitcoins later, after the rate increases. And the most important thing: Bitcoins will be repurchased at the same rate you sold them to us. That’s it! Having repurchased them with some extra payment, you increase your savings because of the difference between the old and new cryptocurrency rates.
Why join MONETO...
One of the reasons I recommend joining MONETO is with MONETO lending services, all applications will be online and will again receive online approval from the system with no long-term expectations provided that the mortgage is paid as needed. With this, you sit in the comfort of your home while you enjoy the best instant loan loan service. This will provide an excellent opportunity for our customers to use this service. MONETO services can be a useful financial tool for both regular traders and professional traders.
Token Information
Token name: MONETO
Token symbol: MTO
Token standard: ERC20
Maximum token inventory: 3 950 000 MTO
MTO tokens can be freely transferred between all participants in Ethereal. The token owner will be able to receive annual dividends and MTO pay tokens on the exchange. Currently we are sleepy for a private study where each investor can request information on dividends. Initial release of tokens generated according to ERC-20 standard in community blockchain etereum Smart contract codes will be published in Gethab for Pre-ICO.
ICO Period - 30 days.
Start ICO -2018/06/10 at 0:13 am
ICO duration - 30 days.
Minimum contribution - 0.01 ETH
Cryptococcus received - ETH.
Initial token price for ICO - 1 МТО token = 0.01 ETH.
Essentially ICO - 2500 ETH
ICO ceiling value - 25 000 ET
After ICO, a new token will not be issued.
Indexing bonus: Discounts will progressively decline from 10% to 3% in
the following order:
first 24 weeks - 10%;
second week - 7%;
week 3-5%;
fourth week - 3%.
Team Members
For more information about the MONETO ICO, kindly visit the following links:

Author: Vespa panjang
EthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B

Bob`s Repair

Bob`s Repair

platform Work plan

The main purpose of Bob's Repair platform is to decide the problem connected with fraud, hidden advertising costs and top-heavy spendings. For reaching the aim, Bob's application will be created with the help of Blockchain experts and experienced software developers. In order to distribute this application, this platform will use the customer base of about 50,000 people from STWP, the cryptocurrency community and different social networks. Then the contractors will see all benefits of the platform, for example, bigger wages and opportunities to control their schedule better. From the other hand, consumers will see truthful reviews, receive fair prices and improved service. It will lead to a decentralized network of contractors and consumers.
Token pre-sale which was opened to investors world-wide starts 4th January 2018. Main ICO is coming soon. Bob's Repair will collect money by producing ERC20 tokens, called BOB Token to distribute the information about Bob's repair platform and to improve Bob app.
This ecosystem will provide token owners 50 percent profit by buying BOB tokens. To maintain revenue and growth, the platform will keep up to date with trends income models. Bob's Repair will not have membership, registration or transaction fees.
Information bellow:

Author: Vespa panjang
EthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B



Cryptocurrency Bank

Crestonium is a Platform that aims to create and develop a banking service, where people can store, manage and obtain other financial services easily and safely.Crestonium uses a renewable Blockchain technology in its development, which will provide users with a banking-based service a reliable and smarter crypto. Crestonium created a more secure and transparent cryptocurrency-based banking service for users.
 Getting Started Development
Crestonium was created with contributions from various experienced and professional parties, who collaborated in creating a reliable and better banking service. Blockchain technology is chosen as the basis of the Platform, which is where it is known that this technology is very secure and transparent for users. Crestonium provides a feature where users can transact quickly at no transaction fee or are called 0% fees. Crestonium also provides a good investment opportunity to investors. Crestonium provides a mobile and Desktop app that users can use easily and securely. Crestonium also provides a credit card, which allows users to transact quickly on everyday life. Crestonium according to the use of cryptocurrency such as, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar Lumens, Monero, Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, and will continue to grow. Crestonium uses SSL features through HTTPS, 2-factor authentication and trusted IPs, which will secure all transactions or activities performed by users for 24 hours. Crestonium provides a token named CXS, which can be used by a user to transact or trade in exchanges. Crestonium provides a Lending and Earning service, which can be used by users to get loans or lend their funds and benefit from it. The Crestonium platform runs on a decentralized system that is a new generation capable of developing ecosystems without a central server thereby removing restrictions or being under any jurisdiction thus encouraging freedom in running smooth operations. Crestonium aims to create a banking and financial service, which will run safely and transparently to users, and provide more significant returns to investors.
 Why Blockchain
Blockchain technology is a transparent digital ledger of transactions and records that are immune to change or deletion. Offering additional traits of increased security, lower costs, time efficiency, and error resistance, blockchain has risen, fluctuated in 2017. The utility of blockchain technology is limitless, sparking the growing list of companies, industries, and government exploring its potential adoption. The blockchain is an immutable public ledger that records digital transactions. This technology was first introduced by an anonymous individual under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and has since revolutionized the way we conduct currency transactions worldwide. Blockchain enables trust to be distributed throughout a network, without the need for a central authority to track, verify and approve the digital exchange of value. It operates as a decentralized distributed database, maintaining a continuously growing list of records divided up into blocks. Legacy will take advantage of this technology to be decentralized and place its trust in its users. The blockchain is a fairly new technology and it is still in active development, improvements are happening continuously, and it has become more efficient and secure than the traditional antiquated systems, which is why banks, government, and other institutions are adopting the technology.
 In Conclusion
Crestonium believes that with a solid and reliable team and system, Crestonium can provide Users with a secure and transparent banking service, and provide users with various advantages and ease in every transaction activity they undertake. Team Crestonium also believes that with a systematic and professional development, Team Crestonium can build a better platform than similar platforms.
With this opportunity, We invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We will release the Token under the name "CXS Token", here is the data.

Information bellow:


Author: Vespa panjang
EthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B




Our health remains one of the most important aspects of our lives. Without good health, we cannot do anything beneficial. A country cannot develop if the human resource based in the country are not healthy and this remains one of the main reasons why most countries allocate much money to serve the healthcare system.
However, not all people are able to afford the quality healthcare and this has led to the death of many people.
One other menace that has plaqued the healthcare delivery system is inappropriate storage of Data. This problem has led to most healthcare institutions losing valuable data which is very much needed in the healthcare system for follow ups, as a reference tool and for budgeting. Most countries and healthcare institutions have tried very hard to keep data safely for future references by using the Internet and integrating data on blockchain networks. Even with these great steps taken, the problem still seems not solved. These and other reasons influenced the formation the DOCADEMIC PLATFORM.
What is DOCADEMIC...
The Docademic platform is a single healthcare service platform which is globally-sourced and provides healthcare services for the public that begins with free Human Doctor-AI assisted video telemedicine service (Docademic app). This is already used by thousands of people in over 20 countries worldwide.
What problem does Docademic address...
Over the years, one problem that has bedevilled the healthcare system has been the inability of patients to get easy access to healthcare earlier. This has caused the demise of many people which shouldn't be the case. Most of the deaths caused by inability to get early access to healthcare could have been prevented if Docademic platform was around at those times. The inability to get access to early healthcare brought about some solutions like the ambulance service, dialing a unique emergency line and others. These solutions however have not solved the problem. Access doesn't only deal with getting early healthcare services but also the ability to afford the cost of the delivery. Should we allow people to die because they cannot afford to pay for healthcare delivery ?
Access is key and this is the main problem Docademic addresses. Let's take the Ebola epidemic that struck Africa for instance. The virus was able to spread wide because of fear and the people also did not get access to healthcare advisors on how to prevent the spread of the virus.
How can Docademic solve the ACCESS problem...
Docademic is built to provide free quality basic healthcare to the world's patient population. Docademic will help solve the ACCESS problem by the help of the DOCADEMIC APP. This app has quality services of Docademic integrated in it and they include;
  • Intelligent medical assistance engine
  • The architecture includes

(i) User matching engine
This can process several million transactions in a second making it one of the most advanced in the system.
(ii) Cross diagnosis HUMAN-AI Engine
This allows for quick, effective and clear diagnosis of patients.
(iii) Smart patients routing
This technology helps in referal programs. If a particular healthcare institution does not offer a particular service, the Docademic app redirects the patient to a nearby healthcare center which provides that particular service.
Another very important phase of the Docademic platform is the DOCADEMIC FOR DOCTORS.
This service helps in the following ways
  1. Provides direct market access
    Through the Docademic platform, healthcare institutions can get easy access to the best medical devices and retailers can also get customers easily.
  2. Proper Data management
    This helps to reduce the problems of managing data. Movement of Data is a major problem and this is why data is best managed on blockchain.
Now that you have heard the great news, are you wondering how you can join this great family? It is easy. Docademic has MTC (Medical Token Currency) which will be built on Etherum's ERC-20 token standard.
Get your MTC tokens and be part of this amazing project. Docademic ICO launch is on the 29th January; don't miss out.
For further information about Docademic, you can visit the following sites:
Author: Vespa panjang
EthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B



Platform di Masa depan

Sejak munculnya "ICO" telah terjadi lonjakan dalam proyek-proyek blockchain baru yang muncul dengan koinale. Selanjutnya, sejak Bitcoin dan banyak Alts mencapai all time high (ATH) pada bulan Desember 2017, harga sebagian besar mata uang yang diperdagangkan di bursa telah berkurang.
Untuk alasan ini pandangan jangka panjang bitcoin / alt Hodlers sekarang sedang dipertanyakan karena apresiasi harga mendorong begitu banyak keberuntungan selama pompa harga 2017, sekarang berkurang untuk mendukung pasar yang terjebak dalam rentang perdagangan.
Banyak pengendara menjadi tidak sabar atau lelah terhadap penurunan harian di Net Asset Rating (NAV) mereka sehingga mencari cara lain untuk melengkapi nilai portofolio crypto mereka. Di sinilah pasar ICO terlihat lebih menarik karena pengembalian beberapa kali investasi Anda masih mungkin dan bahkan biasa-biasa saja.
ICO terbesar seperti Telegram, Filecoin, Bancor, atau Bankera semuanya telah mengumpulkan lebih dari $ 100 juta dalam bentuk koin mereka telah membawa investor awal dengan peluang luar biasa untuk menggandakan investasi mereka dalam waktu singkat. Diskon presale dan insentif seperti token bonus atau hadiah memberikan hadiah akhir kepada orang percaya paling awal dalam proyek - biasanya ketika tidak ada kepastian atau validasi dari kerumunan untuk mengandalkan.
Contoh utama dari investor awal yang telah mencapai prestasi besar adalah Mike Novogratz yang menginvestasikan $ 500k di Ethereum pada tahap awal dan sekarang berada pada $ 250 juta dari ETH dari investasi yang sama. Sekarang, ROI 500x sangat jarang bahkan dalam persyaratan ICO, tetapi kemungkinannya masih akan datang bahkan di pasar ICO yang semakin berkembang.
Telegram, nama besar lainnya menawarkan investor presale untuk membeli token TON $ 0,33 sementara penjualan ICO utama lebih dari $ 2,50. Memberikan pembeli awal lebih dari 7x investasi mereka hanya dalam beberapa minggu. Ada begitu banyak permintaan untuk TON bahwa presale terjual habis dalam beberapa hari dan ada komitmen $ minimum yang sangat besar untuk disetujui untuk membeli dengan harga presale. (TON mengumpulkan $ 850 juta hanya dalam bentuk presale) Sekarang aktivitas utama dari banyak investor ICO adalah DD (due diligence) yang secara efektif memeriksa dan menginvestigasi proyek potensial yang Anda pertimbangkan untuk memberikan uang Anda. Ini adalah aktivitas yang memakan waktu dan cukup duniawi yang membutuhkan banyak membaca dan menyaring yang baik dari yang buruk. Sulit dilakukan jika Anda juga memiliki pekerjaan harian, keluarga, atau komitmen lain untuk menyulap. Beberapa investor mengambil pendekatan 'scattergun' untuk berpikir ICO bahwa jika mereka membeli 10 atau lebih (dengan hanya DD terbatas pada masing-masing) maka yang baik akan lebih besar daripada kerugian dan investor akan berakhir dalam posisi laba bersih.
Tidak ada cara yang benar atau salah untuk mendekati investasi ICO, tetapi saran saya akan untuk DYOR (lakukan riset Anda sendiri) dan pastikan Anda percaya pada proyek tersebut. Kemudian cobalah untuk mendapatkan alokasi awal dalam proyek yang terlihat layak, memiliki tim yang bagus, menunjukkan tanda-tanda dukungan masyarakat dan memiliki setidaknya demo dari produk mereka yang tersedia untuk dilihat.
Apa yang harus dihindari - tim anonim, tidak ada produk demo, kertas pendek atau 'pemotong kue', konsep 'saya juga' yang sering terlihat, pendiri yang menyimpan sebagian besar koin atau situs web yang disajikan dengan sedikit informasi.
Ketika saatnya untuk mendapatkan koin ICO Anda, pastikan untuk mentransfernya ke dompet Anda sendiri dan pilih waktu Anda untuk menjual. Mungkin memegang beberapa dan menjual beberapa di awal perdagangan pertukaran, untuk menurunkan risiko investasi Anda rata-rata. Jika Anda percaya pada proyek ini maka masuk akal untuk menyimpan beberapa koin Anda untuk investasi jangka panjang dan siapa tahu itu mungkin bernilai 500x suatu hari nanti!
Platform Investa dikembangkan dan dioperasikan oleh tim yang sangat inovatif dan berpengalaman, ahli teknologi, keuangan dan bisnis yang berkualitas. Investa lebih dari sekedar proyek yang terdesentralisasi, termasuk inovasi, keamanan, skalabilitas, dan fleksibilitas. Investa menawarkan platform unik layanan crypto gratis yang bekerja bersama-sama untuk memungkinkan pengguna kami mengelola dan menginvestasikan Crypto mereka dalam portofolio terkelola. Investa berkomitmen untuk proses yang sepenuhnya transparan bahkan di luar kode sumber terbuka. Inilah cara lain kami ingin menyampaikan transparansi dan kontrol komunitas. Libatkan kantor akuntan untuk audit pihak ketiga, yang akan dilaporkan ke publik. Pemegang koin akan dapat menghubungi tim investasi melalui beberapa saluran redundan seperti slack, telegram, twitter dan forum komunitas. Tim telah bekerja sama dalam proyek-proyek sebelumnya dan kami ingin memastikan bahwa kami mempertahankan kemajuan pesat tanpa gangguan publisitas saat ini. Keterbatasan non-kompetisi dan rahasia tertentu mencegah pengungkapan publik dari tim sampai orang-orang tersebut hilang untuk ditindaklanjuti.
Platform INV akan menjadi gerbang pembayaran multi-mata uang di dalam ekosistem INVESTA, yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk menukarkan uang Fiat, kriptografi, atau barang virtual untuk setiap aset likuid yang tersedia di platform serta akses cepat ke semua rangkaian produk dan layanan kami. .
Kompatibilitas multi-aset (setiap aset terdesentralisasi kompatibel dengan dan diterima oleh Platform INV).
Nilai tukar mata uang asing dan biaya transaksi terbaik.
Penyimpanan terdesentralisasi dan aman.
Akses langsung ke layanan seperti ETF Basket, Pinjaman Perusahaan, landasan Peluncuran, Manajemen Aset, Kartu INV, layanan Pengiriman Uang, dan banyak lagi.
Kompatibilitas multi-aset (setiap aset terdesentralisasi kompatibel dengan dan diterima oleh Platform INV).
INV token sale adalah langkah pertama pada jalur menuju tatanan dunia baru di mana kita adalah raja di dunia kita, jadi bergabunglah dengan kami dan izinkan kami mengatakan cukup kepada belenggu bank dan pemerintah serta regulator dan perusahaan.
Nilai tukar mata uang asing dan biaya transaksi terbaik.
• Token Standard: ERC-223
• Simbol: INV
• Max Coin Suplay: 50.000.000
• SOFT CAP: 1.000.000
• HARD CAP: 30.000.000
• Nilai Dasar: 1 ETH = 2,158 INV
Investa Exchange adalah platform layanan cryptocurrency yang menyediakan perdagangan cryptocurrency dan underwriting ICO, yang bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada saat ini pertukaran cryptocurrency. Ini fitur biaya perdagangan 0,5% untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan pedagang dan likuiditas pasar. Ia memiliki kemampuan untuk memproses lebih dari satu perintah thousan per detik, mencapai pengalaman perdagangan "real-time" yang sesungguhnya, dan menjadikannya pertukaran valuta cryptocurrency pertama di dunia dari perdagangan frekuensi tinggi. Selain itu, bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah likuiditas ICO token melalui layanan penjaminan ICO-nya bersama dengan jalur peluncuran Investa.
Peta jalan INVESTA
Author: Vespa panjang
EthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B




The development of technology in this period is not unstoppable anymore, all things developed have one common goal, namely facilitate the work of people around the world. The developers of AI continue to develop this technology better, but on the other hand developers have a problem where they do not have a market that finds them to consumers. Therefore, Looking at these prospects, we finally created a platform that we named KOIOS.
So, What is KOIOS...
KOIOS is a Democratizing Artificial Intelligence platform addressed to customers worldwide. In this case, this platform is already blockchain based where the transactions flow will be more transparent, and will also be safer. KOIOS is designed to help developers who are experts in the field of AI technology to meet with users around the world who need this AI technology. It provides a medium for the beginner to expert consumer to purchase sophisticated and reliable AI content in a simple and easy to implement manner.

We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because since it first appeared, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transactions can be maintained and reduce the possibility of data fraud. Blockchain is inherently resistant to the modification of the data involved. The blockchain is a public, distributed ledger of all transactions in a given system. It constantly grows as completed blocks (transactional information) are added to it. Thе data itѕеlf cannot be manipulated bу a ѕinglе person or grоuр оf раrtiеѕ since thе information iѕ encrypted. Thе еnсrурtiоn оf the trаnѕасtiоnѕ thuѕ саnnоt be falsified bу uѕ оr anyone else, mаking оur ICO аvаilаblе for all to see. These blocks are built in a linear and chronological order through cryptography. We have developed this platform for working with blockchain technology as the basis for developing our platform. Because from the first appearance, the block comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and crypto-currency. With the help of the methods provided by the and blockchain, founders will be able to launch their ICOs, pre-ICOs, and other crowdfunding campaigns. The will provide the founders with many of the services and tools essential to successful launch of these types campaigns while ensuring security and credibility by the use of blockchain technologies. Blockchains enable data structures representing invoices to be deployed and to be tamper proof. This enables all participants of the ledger to view the state of the invoice with respect to time. Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger or decentralized database that keeps records of digital transactions. Rather than having a central administrator like a traditional database, a distributed ledger has a network of replicated databases, synchronized via the Internet and visible to anyone within the network. With disintermediation of services the blockchain has revolutionized all known financial conventions and pioneered new ways for fund raising through the tokenization of goods, products, and services . By using the blockchain for transactions, the costs will be minimal vis-a-vis current “middleman” models that include payment and currency conversion fees. With TechSpecs, all payments go directly to the seller in a single digital currency.

as we see in the diagram above, it can be concluded, as much as 40% of total supply will be allocated for the platform, 40% will be allocated to crowdsale, 15% will be allocated to marketing & community, the remaining 5% will be allocated to the team
Token Name : KOIOS
Token Symbol : KOI
Total Supply :
Soft Cap : 5M USD (5885 ETH)
Cap Keras : 40M USD (47060 ETH)
Community : 150.000.000
Crowdsale : 400.000.000
Koios Platform : 400.000.000
The following wallets are known to be compatible with Ethereum tokens (ERC-20)
  • Myetherwallet
  • Metamask
  • Mist
  • Parity
  • imToken
For More Information & Participate:
Author: Vespa panjang
EthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018



A Safe and Easy Blockchain Investment

Pecunio is a platform which is decentralized for investments with the aid the aid of a cryptocurrency card as well as the use of a free digital exchange currency which allows an easy saving and spending of crypto assets. The mission is to provide a one-stop shop for an average non-tech expert (savvy user), a high equity investor as well as angel and venture capitalists. Pecunio is also involved in the specialization of providing expert consulting services to various reputable and distinguished blockchain start-ups. This can be done by providing each individual client with an executive business plan because of recognition for diversity and versatility. Pecunio also aims at opening a vibrant cryptocurrency market and exclusive investment universe to everyone. This will allow everyone to participate in the new economy of the 21st Century.


  1. Decentralized Investment Platform and Exchange : When all funds and assets have been tokenized, investments are being simplified into selected ICOs, angel & venture capital funds and cryptocurrencies. This platform makes all majorcryptocurrencies interchangeable for free.
  2. Cryptocurrency Card : This involves a multi-asset prepaid debit card which enables spending of tokens in fiat currencies all around the world. What makes digital currency a whole lot easier is this multi-asset prepaid debit card without local exchange fees.
  3. ICO Incubator : A Blockchain Start-up Angelist: Through an expertise in traditional and hedge-fund management, there is a qualification to accompany and support blockchain businesses successfully. A dedicated fund, management support, legal services etc. are being used to launch ICO campaigns and profits gained are shared with token holders.


How to Sign Up?
To sign up on Pecunio, a user needs to create an account on the platform by providing details such as an email address, a user name and a password. Confirmation will be sent via email and immediately, a personal wallet is created and one is automatically redirected to a user dashboard where an overview of the personal account and holdings is found.
After transferring cryptocurrencies or fiat money into the account successfully, the user has the choice whether it should be spent via the crypto card or exchanges or rather invest cryptocurrencies into Pecunio’s investment products. There is an opportunity for every investor to invest into different type of funds. Currently, there are three types of fund tokens available asides the exchange-tradable Pecunio token (PCO token).
Every generated value is distributed to investors by the PCO utility token in which fees are returned from tokenized ICOs, AC & VC and cryptocurrency fund. In addition, value is guarded by the regular burning of tokens.


Pecunio’s PCO token is a utility token which is built on Ethereum blockchain. Pecunio’s PCO tokens receive their proceeds from three sources namely; the management, the performance and the ICO fees. Millions of commission earnings will be earned by Pecunio within a short time and this makes it a true-blue chip investment for token holders.
Token Sale Procedure – Project Funding
In order to fund the project, a token sale issuing 40 million Pecunio tokens (PCO) is conducted in total after the ICO campaign successfully ends. The total supply number of tokens is 100 million Pecunio tokens (PCO tokens).
Some hard facts about this token sale includes :
  • The crowdsale is still confidential but anyone who pre-registered will be personally invited to a closed-end token sale. This will last for 30 days.
  • PCO Tokens are basically Ethereum ERC-20 tokens.
  • In the token sale, 30,000,000 will be sold.
  • The Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 200 PCO.
  • Upon receipt of 150,000 ETH, token sale will be hard-capped.
  • For the purchase of PCO Tokens, BTC, ETH, XRP and LTC are accepted.
  • In order to avoid inflation, no more PCO will be created after this period.
  • Token distribution starts with 1st February 2018.
30%: Public
20%: PCO founding team.
20%: Financial backers, early supporters.
15%: Capital Reserve for angel investments, incentives, salaries.
10%: Employee Token pool (locked for 12 months).
5%: Advisory (locked for 3 months).
Token Value
PCO tokens show ownership tied to PCO asset contract, namely the rights and obligations that arise from the Pecunio universe of funds (most especially management and performance fees) and ICO service fees. Tokens are simply digital assets with no intrinsic value by themselves but their value is based on their underlying assets, properties or rights.
Allocation of tokens :
  • 20,000,000 of PCO created during the creation event will be allocated to Pecunio founders.
  • 20,000,000 PCO will be allocated to financial backers and early stage supporters.
  • 10,000,000 of PCO created during the creation event will be allocated to the company and will be utilized as a future employee token pool, to strengthen the ability to attract and retail talent (this token will be locked for 12 months).
  • 5,000,000 of PCO created during the creation event will be created for and granted to advisors (this token will be locked up for 3 months).
    Capital Reserve:
  • 15,000,000 of PCO will be credited but not issued to the reserve. These PCO’s will best serve as an additional available source of funding and depending on future circumstances, may never be issued.

ICO Scams

Many ICOs or token launches lack legitimacy for any of the following reasons:
  • Some ICOs are mostly and outright scams. Founders of such simply cash in on an irregular amount of “dumb money” that are being thrown by people into token launches. i.e. The investors can often be people that missed their chance of Bitcoin or Ether and have no true understanding about the differences between various cryptocurrencies especially when it comes to value.
  • Other ICOs are illegitimate simply because they are a solution without having a problem i.e. not everything requires a decentralized application with its own currency. Due to these risks involved, a significant set of due diligence questionnaire has to be implied before purchasing into a potential ICO.

Why Pecunio is an ERC-20 Token?

The following are reasons why Pecunio is an ERC-20 Token :
  • It is secure and predictable (as opposed to having to run an independent blockchain network).
  • It makes use of a robust and well-supported clients (Ethereum-based tokens can be managed with official Ethereum clients).
  • It has a high liquidity (it is interchangeable with other Ethereum0based tokens or Ether).
  • There is an easier listing on exchanges most especially when infrastructures are already in place.
  • The Ethereum smart contracts enable a very transparent and secure way of profit sharing.
Note : The PCO asset contract collects a yearly management fees of 2-6% on all funds as well as 15-30% on performance fees. The assets will be accessed by PCO token holders through a “redeem and burn” mechanism.


On the blockchain unlike other funds, classes of traditional assets are not merely tokenized. The attention lies deeply and exclusively on the blockchain assets, which are decentralized applications and cryptocurrencies according to blockchain technology.
In conclusion, the investment platform is known to be the last stages of development and wherever the destination is anywhere in the world, the multi-asset prepaid debit card can be shipped conveniently. Pecunio is the only blockchain investment platform known to have a free exchange and a cryptocurrency card.


Information bellow:
Author: Vespa panjang
EthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B